Here we go again. Winston was 5-2 as a game manager last season - if he doesnt get hurt, we are likely in the playoffs with a game manager at QB. Youre confusing no risk it no biscuit with a coach calling plays in a very methodical way. He may have been made to be a gunslinger through expectations in college and in TB, and maybe he leans that way, but you cant call a guy who absolutely managed games to the tune of a 5-2 record incapable of managing games.
Payton ran the offense in a way that took into account there were very few options on the field. The same way he managed Brees once he lost the vertical passing game. Brees was absolutely a game manager his last 2 years. You cant really say "if they dont open up the offense" and then explain why we didnt in the same post.
I dont think anyone in history outside of Les Miles has ever said, we dont want an explosive offense. Youre acting like its a choice they made, as if they had these weapons that they just didnt want to use. They have played the game based on the skills of the personnel on the field. Last year, that just wasnt much.