Fix Netflix

Netflix is going through the same change that cable channels went through when they went from rerun dumpsters to original programming hubs.
While they have had a few mega hits, I have found that they haven’t really been able to capitalize on it, mainly because all episodes are dropped on one day and it leaves the collective consciousness within two weeks.
Look at Disney Plus. They get two months of promotion for every new show.

They get months of promotion before it even drops because it's Marvel and Star Wars content that is done well. They are successful because the make quality product and they have popular franchises. It's not the weekly releases.

And frankly, I hate Disney's weekly drop model. It's why I don't tend to watch their shows until months after all the episodes have dropped and part of why I tend to find the Mandalorian stuff pretty meh. You lose the emersion with 30 to 40 minute episodes per week. I think a decent compromise would be to drop 2 or 3 episodes a week which would extend how long the content takes to get consumed but works better for those of us who don't want to have to schedule time to watch a show every week.

Anyway, what Netflix needs to do is cut down on the amount of content, concentrate on quality content, buy some good IP, and lower their rates until they improve the content.