Fix Netflix

Netflix is the one streaming service I've never even tried. I've given the others at least an initial look and stuck with some for awhile. I don't even have a desire to get Netflix. I don't miss seeing some of their content, even if some of it is attractive. Right now, I have too many services and plan on stripping them down. My dad has YTTV that I watch, I have D+, P+, and HBOmax. Those will do for now but I'm really thinking of dropping P+ before I get hooked on the new Star Trek series coming in May. Oh, and Prime, I'll be keeping that no matter what.
To me, Paramount+ is the best one out all of them. Yes, only $6 per month with ads but me and the wife can deal with that. Netflix, Disney and HBO Max are way out there for us but "we share with our grown kids" those 3 so we do not pay as much. Yes, Netflix has gotten old and not much new stuff to keep us going. But we do not pay fully for it. about 1/3 the cost we pay for it.