Fix Netflix

I didn't read the whole thread, but I'd imagine that from an American point of view Netflix is broken because it doesn't solely cater to American sensibilities. That's something I actually really love about Netflix. It's the only streaming service where I get watch pop culture for other countries. Forget waiting for Hollywood to make the American version of a foreign show and screw it up royally. Without Netflix, we would have eventually gotten an Americanized version of Squid Game that totally lacked any of the soul that the original version had. I like the original Korean, Nigerian, Indian, and British content Netflix has.

Netflix is a for a global market and that doesn't always sit well with American tastes and sensibilities. I'm okay with that.
To this I say ‘fi!’
It USED to be where I got introduced to titles like Fauda, Occupied, Rain or even Broadchurch and the recommendations were on point
But now, especially in terms of quality, HBO is a much much better source of international titles