Why the low draft grades?

Because quantity trumps quality in many's eyes. I'd rather cheat and shoot for both, but if it's one or the other, give me quality. Because the Saints don't seem to care about nebulous position groupings from the perspective of a fan who barely cared about looking at prospects. They are going after men with names who they knew. Spoke with. Met their coaches. Had dinner with. Watched every piece of film available, and then worked them out and grilled them on their thought processes.

10 unknown guys like a fan or 3 or 4 guys they know cold? Saints are choosing the latter. Like always.

Besides. I remember someone saying we had so many holes to fill. But really, we didn't have 7 open roster slots on this team. We needed a WR (which we got), a tackle (which we got), and a safety (which we didn't really get, but sort of).
I have always liked the Patriots approach. Trade back and collect picks. If someone falls, you can trade up and get them. If you need a LB, if you have alot of picks, why not draft 2? Rather than rely on 1 guy. One could be depth. Like when the Pat's drafted Gronk and Aaron Hernandez. If you have a good scouting department, you can find guys that don't get as much hype.

What were the draft pundits saying right after the 2017 draft? It turned out to be one of the best drafts. Who would have thought AK would turn out to be a superstar and we hit on almost every pick?