Credit Scores

Like @Tapxe mentioned above, this is most likely the reason for the drop, assuming it was a credit card and not a charge card (meaning, it had a credit limit like a Visa or MC and not monthly full payoff but no set credit limit like the traditional AMEX cards).

The biggest component of your credit score is credit utilization. It's a simple calculation of your outstanding credit balance against your available credit. So, if you had two cards, each with a $1,000 credit limit and your outstanding balance was $500, your utilization with both cards open would be 25%, which is good because it's below the magic 30% number, but with one closed, you're now looking at 50%, which is bad because it's above the 30% threshold and you get whacked really hard when the utilization is above 30%.

I don't have an explanation for why all this happened......but using your CC isn't gonna drop your score 30 points "within 2 days, max".

Quite honestly, I don't even believe the CC companies report anything beyond once a that just doesn't sound realistic. And sometimes it takes over 2 days just for the credit card charge to hit the account.

I feel like we're missing part of the story here (not saying you're doing that intentionally, just saying info is likely missing).
It may have been closer to a week. I use Credit Karma and check it routinely to see how my score fluctuates and try to find the cause for it.