Man gets sued for taking his vehicle for an oil change

I don't even know how the jeep owner isn't protected by the Garage Liability under the Care, Custody and Control aspect of the policy.

Sad part is jeep owner carrier has already paid 100k, seeking indemnification from dealer, and work comp carrier has put lien if dealer found to indemnify jeep owner.

What a freaking mess. 4 different attorneys involved for something that is clearly workers comp and nothing more. Shoot part 2 , Employer Liability should respond but not at all familiar with Mich work comp insurance

Yeah so that makes sense - the Jeep owner then has an action back against the dealership who employed the negligent driver for indemnity.

Now you have a situation where an employer likely has to pay for the negligence of its employee that it wouldn't have if the Michigan legislature hadn't come up with this strict liability system (that always screw things up). But I guess in the end, the estate gets more money and is better made whole . . . but the workers comp system was supposed to do that but hasnt' been adequately evolved and/or funded such that victims are always looking for tort recovery.