School Responsibilities

As a former high school teacher, I am going to tell you that financial literacy is discussed in many classes. The kids paying attention are already learning these lessons, the kids not paying attention are not going to learn this lesson just because you mandate it to be taught.

This is "feel good" legislation that will not improve the outcome for at risk students.
I totally disagree with you, but perhaps it's just we're in different districts. Such things are not taught in this district, and personal finance should be its own class. I took such a class at LSU and it was excellent. I remember thinking at the time it was something we should have been taught in high school. I'm all over this decision.

Frankly., I think personal finance and statistics would be much smarter "required" math classes than Algebra II and Calculus. Nothing wrong with advanced math, but for the vast majority of students the other classes would be more beneficial to what they'll be doing in life.