School Responsibilities

Ummmm, exactly??? Because, throughout the course of human history, which type of human almost always leads the tribe and instructs and is followed by the others? (Hint: it's the sheetty kind)

I mean, are we really in hard disagreement?

On the flip side, I don't get the folks who get super down and depressed (NB: I'm not referring to clinical depression) about the crappiness that still abounds in human society -- especially those folks who don't believe in an "Involved Creator". Of all people, they should understand that humans are nothing special in the world -- just highly evolved animals. Non-religious folks should be absolutely gobsmacked at the amazing capacity of humans to be kind and altruistic.

The number of humans on the planet who don't live in squalor wallowing in their own sheet is at its peak in human history. That should be celebrated, not moaned over just because we now have social media which bombards us with the horribleness of humankind 24/7. It's actually the good times -- perhaps we just don't want to acknowledge just how truly crappy the last quarter-million years have been for our species.

I couldn't be more behind this message. You can simultaneously want our world to be better AND recognize that we are in the midst of experiencing tremendous human progress on a never-before-seen scale.