The Investment Thread

I could see it all playing out that way. I don't think it will, I sure hope that it will not. There is no guarantee with any stock and I know that. I agree about a lot of the pump and dumps and have resisted from buying most of them. I guess time will tell, but I do sure hope your wrong.
I hope I'm wrong and I hope nobody takes this the wrong way. Then again, Ive been screaming bubble for 2-3 years and the damn thing just keeps getting bigger so what do I know? Up until a couple months ago I was just the guy watching everyone make a ton of easy money squeezing out short term plays.

The good news, one thing that fixes inflation fast is a crashing economy.

It still wouldn't shock me if we go take out new highs in the next 30 days but it's just blowing that bubble bigger. If inflation eases and the supply chain can work itself out really quickly then it'll be Bulls on Parade. Some of the most overpriced stocks losing 70+% over the past 6 months isn't just some "gully" though.