The Investment Thread

I have a sneaking suspicion that Coinbase and other similar crypto brokerages have a huge role in all of this. This is somewhat in response to Coinbase’s latest filing which says that if they go under….everybody’s fake coins could get wiped out. FYI - I’m sure you know but Coinbase is kinda like a stock brokerage. You don’t actually own those shares/coins. (Which is why I ComputerShared my GME).

If it’s burning down a lot of people are just cashing out. Which Coinbase is paying out/selling out.

If people are rapidly setting up actual crypto wallets and transferring then Coinbase needs to provide the actual coins. I’m sure they have a supply. But….if enough people are transferring then they might need to purchase the coins to transfer.

This might blow up real soon.
It's highly unlikely a bankruptcy court would rule in that direction but due to recent changes in SEC filing laws they had to disclose the possibility in the event of bankruptcy. Coinbase has a decent balance sheet but crypto is so volatile and really could crash to nothing so it is a possibility. The good news, if coinbase goes bankrupt it means crypto really crashed out and the coins wouldn't hold value anyway.