Inflation here? gas/grocery prices just continue to climb

Could have used that same bailout money to erase the mortgage debt on behalf of the people in trouble and the banks would have ended up with the money anyway. Instead we gave the banks the money and the people still had the debt
More proof that life is a racket.

They need us to either already be in debt or actively trying to get in debt (e.g longing for that new house, car or vacation)

If we're not in enough debt, then they need us to have some babies, go back to school or renovate our kitchens. Anything to get us on that list of debtors.

Trying to get OUT of debt is something else they ironically push.

Doesn't matter. It all works against us.

Debt, the desire to acquire things and the need to pay them off is what keeps our dumb arses waking up everyday and to going to work.

Look how mad some people got about unemployment and stimulus checks. "How dare you not WORK?! That's our purpose here on earth!"

A god damned racket.