The Investment Thread

The problem is that we don't have a big enough workforce to fill the jobs and continue growth. That causes companies to overpay. Good and bad to that.

I think what we are seeing is that 20-54 are all mostly back to work. Its folks 55+ who aren't or retired and are happy to stay out of the market.

The key will be graduation rates and how many kids are 16-19 that will be entering the work force or college in the next few years.
Due to the border tightening because of "covid" it was something like 3M immigrants that would have come over that haven't. This has caused some pretty big shortages in the labor market, particularly in farming, construction and trucking. Those are three massive industries and it has caused a trickle down effect in other markets. So like the supply chain, the labor market is being hit in every direction. Combine that with the people retiring and the nearly 2M excess deaths from Covid causing dead people to stop working, It's the perfect storm.