The Investment Thread

Going to be an interesting weekend with all the talk about Twitter and whether they will be able to prove the only 5% bots number.

Also, the news about consumer confidence down to an 11 year low will simmer over the weekend and lead to a lower opening Monday.
As someone that runs social media pages and groups, any of them claiming less than 30% bots are full of sheet. The bad part, they could easily purge 99% of them with very basic algorithms without having collateral damage.

For my weather group on Facebook I was able to get rid of all bots asking to join the group with a custom question. What color is the sky? Yes, that could get multiple acceptable answers but none of them are “Ok admin, I love group very much thank you” which is by far the most common response.

Why don’t they rid the platforms of bots? Simple, they become “unique users” in quarterly financial reports. When the platforms were in their infancy they really needed them to be there. When the platforms were growing rapidly they should have systematically reduced the bots but they got greedy. Now platforms like Facebook is in decline if Mark decided to go on a bot killing spree it would look like a massive loss of user and collapse the stock even more.