Meanwhile, a pretty stiff dose of Celtic Pride over the weekend.

Middleton, a great player, was out and that really hurt the Bucs. While the Celtics were also missing Rob Williams, Middleton's absence was greater.

Still, the Celtics four wins were by a combined 72 points, while the Bucks three wins were by 12, two and three points. MIddleton definitely makes this a closer series, but I'm not convinced he changes the results.

Props to the Bucks and Giannis, them most likeable, straightforward superstar in ages.

And what a great, old-school series. Before it started I thought it was in effect the NBA Finals, with the winner ending up with the title. I didn't see anything (here and in the other series) to change my mind, as if the Bucks advanced, they'd have Middleton back pretty shortly.

This has been an absolutely terrific NBA post-season, the best in years and years.