Mass shooting in Buffalo NY.

we live in a copycat society
do you really think that these hate groups are going to say "Whoa....this is too difficult now so let's all sing Kumbaya" or do you think they are more likely to just change tactics?

And again....unless someone can provide a logical, reasonable way to round up all those guns and to prevent them coming in from our border with Mexico then talking about banning guns will only negatively affect law abiding citizens.

I, for one, will never be helpless in a situation where I get to watch someone put the barrel of a gun against my head while another piece of sheet puts one against a loved ones temple and tells me they are going to blow their head off while I watch.

I don't want to put words in @Dago 's mouth, but I think that what he's saying is that, even if guns are easier to use than pipe/pressure cooker bombs, in the absence of guns, if someone wanted to perpetrate a mass killing, pipe/pressure cooker bombs are not so hard to make that it'd deter someone from using them.

Yeah, it's definitely easier with guns. But clearly, if guns aren't accessible, you'll see a marked increase in other means.

This seems to be saying if a solution isn't 100% effective we might as well not bother. Which seems silly to me.

I feel pretty confident in saying if guns all suddenly disappeared by magic, homicides would drop by like 70%. Sure, some people would stab people to death, others would build a pressure cooker bomb, and so on. But I don't think something needs to be perfect to be good.

Obviously there's no magic make guns disappear button, but there is a super strong correlation between the number of guns available and homicides. I think it would make sense to enact policies that over time would make guns more expensive and hard to find.

HOWEVER, it would have to pass constitutional muster, which I don't think will happen. I would wish that there was a requirement that in order to own a gun you had to be a part of a well regulated militia, and train with your weapon at least once a month. But that does not seem to be the interpretation of the Constitution, so at this point there would need to be another amendment, which has 0% chance of passing.