solar hibernation
The "Space and Science Research Center" consists of a single person (John L Casey) and a virtual office suite. Mr. Casey claims to have a BS in Physics and Mathematics and a MA in Management. His first foray into climate research was last year when he began writing a book on natural disasters. He is currently seeking startup funding for [himself] the Space and Science Research Center.
Some of his past business ventures and organizations:
Fideligent Corp - Self described as a leading US based international trading company with a world class Afghan, Iraqi and other business experts. The domain has since expired.
International Space Science Foundation - A non-profit dedicated to the improvement of the human race through space and science advocacy, research and development, and education programs in science and mathematics. The domain has since expired.
Global Foundation for Sustained Development - a front for his other organizations, domain expired.
Afghan Women And Children Fund - A fund seeking donations to "provide support for education and health care in Afghanistan through the development of a network of sponsors including private citizens, corporations and civic organizations." Domain has expired.
The Iraq Women And Children Fund - New country, same scam, domain expired.
Casey Aerospace Corporation - A short-lived space tourism company that sought $50 million in startup funds. Domain expired.
Verity Management Services Inc. - His one man company that purportedly offers management services in government and commercial space development, advanced technology, business development, international business, hurricane recovery and preparedness, and space science research. No domain to be found.
Several other companies with no details beyond names.
JunkScience has more information and a response in several posts.
Unless he finds some thinktank/Exxon funding, I'm betting the result of Casey's "RC Theory" will be "Domain expired."