I have two girls, they're finishing first and third grade next week. We're still in the routine, we get up and get ready for school. We have breakfast and make sure they have their completed homework in their backpacks and anything on the schedule for that day in school. Every school morning is both ordinary/mundane and exciting at the same time. My wife and I want to encourage them to have a good day. We want to equip them with what they need to be healthy, happy, and engaged that day - to make the most of it.
Those families of those children started today off that same way. They had cereal and toast or whatever, they talked about homework and being excited for finishing this school year. They got on the bus or got dropped off . . . just like mine did. But they didn't come home and those families are shattered because their children were violently murdered by an 18 year old with a gun in their elementary school who killed kids for no other reason than insanity. It's so forking heart-breaking I can't stand it.