Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

It's not like the money we just sent to Ukraine is at the expense of saving kids from being killed in school.

It's like you said, they don't want to try and solve hard problems, because the solutions aren't fast and don't usually work out the way we wanted. When you have to run for reelection every 2 years, it encourages quick fixes and avoiding issues that can't be fixed quick.

The "political thing" is actually the first problem that we need to fix, because it is the thing standing in the way of addressing the hard problems.
If this post is getting "too" political, I fully support it's deletion . . .

I completely agree with this. Money isn't the issue. The politicians (all of them) are interested in re-election. And there is just too much "my way or the highway" mentality which appeases their base voter demographic, which is what is going to get them re-elected. Nobody wants to negotiate or compromise. And that is not going to change until people start electing moderates.

Someone earlier said it doesn't have to be perfect, just some kind of progress.