Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

This is the reason things like Uvalde won’t stop….in my opinion. Not saying you in particular have this view, but I think most Americans are against any drastic changes to the 2nd amendment. And as such, this land of gun culture simply won’t change. The math doesn’t work out. A hard reality we must consider…

Most Americans are of the belief that the constitution is written in stone, a permanent and unchanging effigy to the "greatness" of the founding fathers. The irony is that the entire point was for the constitution to be a living, breathing document, changing as our society grows.

It's well past time for Americans to grow up. This doesn't happen in other countries. I don't care how much "authoritarianism" you think you see or how many guns you think you need, an armed American populace isn't going to stand up to the US military or any military for that matter. The "well regulated" part of the second amendment has gone completely ignored for decades now. The experiment with more guns has failed spectacularly.