Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

Or better yet, have Louis Farrakhan lead a million man march to purchase guns. I guarantee you that we would see the NRA and their supporters revert back to their pre 1965 stance regarding gun laws.

I'm cool with that too... But the NRA doesn't directly sell guns... I just want to see what happens when you ban something that there's a huge market for, makes billions of dollars a year, there is a high demand for, etc.... then make it illegal to buy, own, or sell.... especially in an area where people are desperate and willing to do whatever is necessary to get said object/substance... and already has a history of using said object or substance. You know like an metro area that has roughly 15 shootings a day that no one talks about?

I have a weird felling that not much would change outside of who makes the money on the substance/object, and how it was obtained (since we have 393 million guns in the US that are not going anywhere) but it's not like I have any proof or super long history of examples throughout American history to back this theory up....