Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

But the NRA ( and its lobbying efforts ) have done a masterful job of convincing gun owners and gun lovers of exactly what you stated before regarding the "slippery slope" argument that ANY gun legislation will simply open "pandoras box" to further legislation ( ie. taking ur guns )

the NRA has spend 10s of millions over the years to do just that. They wont go quietly after spending that amount of money for lobby efforts to see it wasted.

That's precisely my point. The lobby has been wildly successful at framing the legal issue in a certain way that translates to highly effective lobbying and the creation of political risk for legislators that don't abide by it.

But it's actually not accurate - it is demonstrably false. Courage to take on difficult issues isn't easy, but courage to resist false frameworks should be something we can find.