Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

You are not going to change the 2nd amendment; PERIOD, end of story. You can add new laws that may make it more difficult for potential owners of guns to be able to purchase the guns. One would be you have to be age 21 and over. But will that be a game changer? We don’t know. It would be at least a step in another direction. The bottom line is. There are too many deranged people nowadays amongst the masses, who have easy access to guns. Either by the ability to purchase, or by theft. The root cause to all that we are dealing with, is the mental aspect of it. You cannot argue against people owning guns legally. But you can argue people with mental health issues are not being addressed properly. They are simply existing and are ticking time bombs, with a fuse that could get lit at any moment.
You have yet to propose the solution you're looking for beyond a vague "we have to do something about mental health" so it's hard to think you anything other than unserious about this.