Surprise Emergency Room Bill

ER co payments are ridiculously high no doubt. But show me a govt program that is fiscally responsible and maybe I could get on board with this healthcare for all thing. There is no doubt that healthcare would be rationed out and we could no longer have the "my body, my choice" take on healthcare. Unfortunately, the ER is not a place to get the answers you were looking for. Proper follow up is what was needed. If she was not in distress, and improving and had taken Benadryl, I'm not sure much more needed to be done. If you don't know what caused the reaction, there is absolutely no way for the physician to figure it out in an ER setting.

And if you think the poor are not receiving good medical treatment, you are mistaken. The amount of people on medicaid right now is insane. We need interpreters onsite at all times because a lot of these people don't speak English at all. Like none. They walk out with no bill at all. Colonoscopy screenings, surgery, etc. To me, "its amazing that people who think we can't afford to pay for hospitals, doctors, and medications, somehow think we can afford to pay for doctors, hospital, medications and a government bureaucracy to administer it.

Nobody gets care anymore that's worth a damn. everything is wait for this and referral for that. If you don't know your specialist it takes months to get in and every step of the way is a copay or out of network.

The premise that we have choice is absurd. The only choice you have is to pay through the nose for crap insurance and then be bounced around from doctor to doctor to facility to facility having redundant tests and being sent from place to place hoping someone will spend more than 2 minutes to collect their fee.

And don't get me started on ER bills. The whole thing is nothing more than a giant corrupt duopoly with insurance companies and hospitals fighting over who gets the first spot in a giant gang bang of patients.

There is no government system less efficient than what passes as American healthcare. Freaking 3rd world countries have better healthcare than we do.