Mental illness as an autistic child.

Sorry you're going through all of that, I really don't know what to say, but I will say that you're not alone...I have a non-verbal autistic 8 year old. I think sheet isn't going to change until it happens to someone think it's bad in Colorado, it's absolute garbage in Louisiana.

You see in movies all the time where there are these special schools that take these kids in and turn them into autistic wonder-people, super efficient autistic hitmen and so on but the reality is far from it. To me, its all a lie the rest of the world puts out there to make itself feel better about not doing enough.

After diagnosis...its a life sentence for us parents, where it feels like each day is worse than the last, where physically going to work feels like a end up having these endless meetings with schools/therapy centers where things are said/promised, but never delivered...You feel like life is a effed up joke where everyone else gets to live a normal life, go on vacations, not replace TVs 2x year, not deal with flooded bathrooms/holes in the walls/broken furniture and have happy marriages, and so on....but none of that is meant for you. I've resigned myself to accepting that he's pretty much going to be the cause of my death one day...the ironic part is that I saved his life as an infant....God works in mysterious ways, I guess.

sheet just sucks....sorry for jacking your thread to vent.

Vent all you want brother. I made this thread for that reason and I'm 100% cool with others doing the same.

Colorado isn't bad when it comes to Autism. The schools are great for it. It's the other issues that he has that are keeping his autism therapies from being effective. We actually moved to Colorado, from Texas, to get him good therapy. I can't imagine how much worse Louisiana is from Texas.

I'm just scared to death that my kid will one day be a headline after he's killed someone. I don't think he'll be capable of doing something crazy as a school shooting but I'm not risking it. He's never once seen my firearm and I don't risk getting a 2nd one. But I do think that he'll one day kill another person if he isn't either confined or effectively treated.

But anyways, Vent brothers and sisters. I've got nothin' but love for anyone going through this.