Education / Teaching thread

Sounds like all the programs in all the places are all about the money. Has anyone ever done a study on how much a testing company pulls in from state testing? I imagine it's a substantial amount. The programs and the testing are money grabs that are just a couple of things in the long list of reasons as to why we've got teacher shortages in many areas.
This is Texas. Seems like some very nice teacher and admin staff salary increases would be better use.

Cambium Assessment, a Washington D.C.-based testing company, will receive $262 million from 2021 through 2024 to manage the administration, scoring and reporting of all student assessments on one online platform.

Pearson, a London-based company whose longtime role in Texas' testing program was scaled back several years ago, will receive an additional $126 million from 2021 through 2024 to develop and construct the assessments. It will also continue work on an existing testing contract through August.