Six percent of people think they can beat a grizzly bear

I am a tall, large, strong man. I have actually killed a rat and a Goose(on accident/reflex) before without weaponry.

At one point a decade(ish) ago I would have liked my chances, but not been "sure", with an animal up to a large dog. That is the limit of it though.

Big, strong, quick humans, are weak and slow animals. Our advantage is supposed to be cognative... this survey shows it is obviously not for quite a few people.

Unarmed against a Grizzly bear? Adult ape? Nope. Totally doomed. If it was like the goose situation, where it was going for my kid, i would try to fight... but knowing I was only serving as a distraction, a very brief distraction. If no kids are involved, im trying to GTFO of there.

Firearms tip the scale... but I am not intentionally going after a Grizzly even if I have a gun.

The Grizzly folks should absolutley be the type red flag laws point out.
You do know or are aware from archeological research, discoveries, predating the end of the last Ice Age(Neolithic period) around 10,000 years ago that for hundreds of thousands of years, Neanderthals and our earliest homo sapiens sapiens prototype, Cro-magnums, routinely and regularly hunted large game mammals like sloths, wooly mammoths, and saber-tooth tigers and dire wolves just to keep themselves alive in hunter-gatherer societies. Most of these animals our genetic/human ancestors hunted 50,000 years ago were just as big, ferocious, nasty, and dangerous as grizzlies or black bears are now, and they didnt have guns, but flint knifes, spears, or daggers and even while hunting in large packs, didnt always succeed in killing or injurying their prey. Swords werent invented until the Bronze Age when complex, differential cultures, metallurgy and civilizations had arrived and made themselves distinct from one another(ancient Egyptians, Hittites, Sumerians, Indus Valley civilization in India, Akkadians, Minoans and Myceneans, and then the early Jewish ancestors, Isrealites.

All I'm saying is most times, those hunter-gatherers, be it Neanderthals or Cro-Magnums could kill larger game animals then bears 40,000 years ago, by out-thinking, outmanuevering, out-smarting it, all without the use of firearms or destructive weaponry, then I don't see why some humans, at least, today couldn't be capable of doing it now, if under extreme, dire circumstances where we had no choice.

If our ancestors could successfully hunt and kill dire wolves, which were basically larger, bigger, enormous versions of modern-day timberwolves, with just spears and flint knives, in extremely cold, frigid conditions, grizzly bears wouldn't be too much greater of a challenge.