Six percent of people think they can beat a grizzly bear

don’t know what kind of wasps we have in MD but they never bother me….Yellowjackets? I had the misfortune of running over on old exposed root in my side yard, unbeknownst to me those little jerks had a nest in there….I got hit about 7 times before I even realize what was happening, lucky I’m not allergic….usually I’m a live and let live type but I sprayed that nest out of existence….
Yellowjackets have their nest underground. I was pounded once when mowing my grandma's yard, it wasn't fun.

Red wasps have a powerful sting. I found out the hard way. I was getting rid of junk around my home. One of the items
was an old bbq grill we no longer used. Red wasps used it to make a nest. Their sting hit me hard. Their sting is greater
than a yellow jacket. Trust me. Their visible nest they are cool. Just don't attack it .