Six percent of people think they can beat a grizzly bear

I spoke nothing of Geese. I only mentioned Goose. Even though, after many childhood battles with them while fishing I have come to the conclusion their only real power is the power of fear. I'm pretty sure nature's testosterone levels rank something like this.

1. Male Goose
2. Female Goose
3. Bull Shark

Bread amplifies #1 and #2. If the goose bite had any sort of power or sharp teeth humans would fail to exist and Stephen King's book on birds would be classified as non-fiction.
I was raised on a farm. A goose could kill a person.

Not physically, but they startle the shirt out of you, which could lead to a heart attack.

We had several Embdem Geese, and one of the Ganders would sneak attack me from behind whenever the opportunity would arise, startling me which made me lose my shirt every time. I finally cooked that goose. Literally!

I used to think that I could take on a large dog until one day a large Pit Bull got hold of my forearm. Thank goodness that dog had a shock collar on him and the owner was quick with zapping it, or from what I could tell from the power of those jaws, my goose would have been cooked.