You know our country is in trouble…

Really? So historically and from culture to culture, the general role of the male has not been the protector?
So, if a male defends a woman from another male, he is also an abusive, incel, rapist, ahole? Why is that?
Why are those things one and same to you? You have a very warped sense of masculinity and a lot makes sense now.
You said
One way, men have always acted is by protecting women
Not all men not always - roles have always been fluid and reactive
You implied that the ‘purpose’ of #toxicmasculinity was to keep men from being protectors (again not all men not always)
I corrected to say that the reason for #toxicmasculinity was to stop one of the ancillary benefits of masculinity- I was asking you to consider the TOXIC part of the hashtag
The TOXIC part is where you get the abusive, incel, r*pist, ***hole part
Would you not agree that those things are TOXIC?