The Investment Thread

1. I can't lose all my money in the market or even enough to make me uncomfortable.
2. I have puts in APPL, TSLA and 2x short oil.
3. I'm starting to invest, something I haven't done in years because we were in a bubble. I buy when everyone else starts selling. Picking up some tech companies today that have fallen 70-80% in the last 6 months. I have just started to buy.

This is the market coming to grips with PE ratios due to rising rates and inflation. Buy good, cheap companies now and the downside is limited, particularly if you are also short companies that are still extremely overpriced.

I was talking about this statement here specifically. "I think there is a 60% chance I lose my total investment."

Just wondering why you would hold onto calls if things were not looking favorable for you? If they are July 28 calls you definitely have some time to get out.

Would you just hold bad calls all the way to the end?