The Investment Thread

Oh sure. Like I said, gotta be involved. Ask questions and demand answers.

I've taken a large lump this year. I lost my FA (10 years ) and the new guy has called me once since 4/1 and that was to introduce himself lol. Nothing since then.

And with how busy I have been at work, life comes at you fast and 3 months have passed without making moves other than stacking contributions.

My general philosphy is in line with Buffett's on personal investing. Trying to beat the market is a fool's game. My retirement portfolio is basic just broad based mutual funds that roughly mirror the market. And for my portfolio outside of my retirement accounts are similar. I don't even try to beat the market... i'm happy to mirror it. Over the lifetime of the market it averages about 10%... that's plenty good enough for me. Just set it and forget it.

Any money that I'll need sooner than 5-7 years I keep in cash or bonds.