You Just Broke Your Child. Congratulations.

Honestly, looking back (my son now 29/daughter 24) I can honestly say the vast majority of dads, and parents in general absolutely suck. I guess 26 years in education paired with 27 for my wife has jaded me. I’m not afraid to say my kids are extremely successful, even with the challenges they have had. But the never questioned part is that both my wife and I were absolutely there for them no questions asked.

I see far too much of the guy threatening and intimidating their kids and far too little of the other
When you think about parenthood - and how essentially anyone can be one... No licensing. No training. No refresher courses to make sure you're still fit. It's the scariest part of being human.

You're not allowed to operate a forklift without basic training. But you can bring a child onto this planet anytime you please. Talk about a major malfunction in the system.

The parents that trip me out are the ones who dislike their kids because they're just like them.

As if the kid had a choice in how YOU made them.

A bunch of little Frankenstein's monsters running around.

Then we sit back and shake our heads at the state of the world. As if we had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Even people who think their kids turned out ok - do you know if they're raising hell and making it hard for someone else's kid? You don't.