You Just Broke Your Child. Congratulations.

Oh man, I can tell you some stories. This area is a great place to raise kids, the public schools are among the nation's best it is also very expensive to live here and there are a lot of wealthy, entitled folks here. And some of them do some really stupid things at sporting events.

Back in 2010 or so there was a Bethesda girls team where the parents were so bad they were prohibited from attending the games, they could only drop off and pick up their girls....

My older son's team played a Potomac team that demanded that we play them in a rematch because our 3-1 win was the result of us providing one of the line judges (one of our parents was a certified ref/line judge). The only problem with that is it is actually in the NCSL rule book that if a line judge is needed one of the team's parents needs to step in (they have to be certified).

Nothing to see here, right? WRONG.....That Potomac team had a very powerful, connected lawyer that threatened multiple NCSL admin folk and they actually made us re-play the game. We beat them 4-1 that time and our coach told the other coach in front of his parents that we would be very happy to beat them a 3rd time if they wanted to re-play again....

I witnessed some similar stuff playing church league and intramural sports. I played basketball and football in Jr/high school and also on the church league for basketball. My father mostly coached us on the church league stuff, but it was all the same players from the high school squads for the most part. More ball is good so it was nice to have BBall 3 nights a week during the season. I was only an average player. Tall and good on defense, but average ball skills....I wasn't anything special and my father certainly didn't treat me like I was special on the team.

But anyway we were playing the best team in the league twice in one day on a double header. Their high school team was also the best in the district. And it's all the same players. The star players dad was the coach for the church league.

Well, game 1 we beat the pants off them. It wasn't even competitive really. Maybe the underestimated us???? Who knows but I remember beating them by like 20 points-ish.

Anyway, there were some words said between the coaches between games. So, we go out in game 2 and it's closer but we also beat the stuffings out of them.

After the game it is customary to line up and shake hands, led by the coaches. Well we all went to shake hands led by my father and the other coach slapped his hand down and said he would never shake the hand of a cheater hahahahahahaha. Sore frickin loser. That was their only 2 losses on the season as I recall. Anyway, I have posted a little bit about my dad, but slapping his hand and calling him a cheater is...let's say unwise....I feel that I am lucky that I didn't witness my father put a beatdown on the guy in front of all the parents. I am pretty sure he only saw white hot rage for about 3 or 4 seconds....thankfully he walked away.

The absolute WORST thing about having your dad be your coach is that during the high school games he was also always screaming from the stands. He would also call me over to the side while the coach talked to the rest of team to coach so embarrassing.