The Investment Thread

The demand destruction in oil just got wiped out by suspension of the Federal gas tax. Such a stupid plan. It's the same story all over again. Federal Government suspending tax, increasing spending for a short term solution to a long term problem. This in turn will increase demand even farther and drive prices artificially higher. A tax that pays for infrastructure is being suspended at a time when our country's infrastructure needs so much repair. Purely politically motivated move to answer to the dumb people that do not understand basic supply and demand economics.

Yeah it's definitely two fold stupid. Infrastructure is one aspect that can keep an economy churning even when there is a slow down or recession. But as you said, now we are going to cut the funding in the form of a ridiculous tax relief that will only drive demand higher for gas and end up just making the price increase.

This is why I have no confidence in those making decisions. I feel like that guy toward the end of the Big Short.. Short everything that guy touches.