Least Favorite Foods?

I'm laughing way too hard.
I hope some of that laughing is at me. I'm totally cool with that.

I admit my pea thing is odd. There's actually some history with it. When I was really young, probably between 4-6, I went to this lady's house for daycare.* She had this process where she would feed us without a drink, we would eat, then she would sit us on the floor of her kitchen after we ate and she would give us a drink. One of the rules was you had to finish everything on your plate.

She served peas pretty often. I would eat everything except them. I have always despised them. She tried mixing them in mayo 🤢, mixing them in mashed potatoes, and when none of that worked, she tried hiding them in other food on the plate.

We had quite a few showdowns and I would never eat them. That's (at least part of) the reason that I rummage through fried rice with my fork and set the peas aside. I also will very closely check my dishes at restaurants where I'm not familiar with their food to see if peas somehow made it into the dish even though they're not on the menu (I've found them a few times).

I know it's odd, but I absolutely refuse to eat those remnants of satan's ice hole.

* oh, while I was typing this, I realized my Mom didn't work at the time, so I have no idea why my brother and me were at daycare (well, I have an idea, but...) :hihi: