It’s funny, i had never eaten sardines until i was about 10 yrs old, and I haven’t eaten them since.. but that summer, i happened to be watching an episode of the old Dick Van Dyke show when one of the characters (i think Dick himself) was eating a can of sardines.. so the next time i went grocery shopping with my mom, i picked up a couple cans of sardines packed in mustard.. soon, it was all i ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner.. then about two weeks in , i started getting repulsed by them and now cant even stand the smell , 30 odd yrs later… i was an…. ‘Odd’ kid .
i swear i dont have na aversion to THAT many foods, but this thread seems to have touched upon most of them.. the other hatred i have that seems to be extremely common in many foodstufs, and ive mentioned it here before- is “American cheese”.. rivaled only by mayo in it’s nastiness .
I have only ever seen Gefilte fish in a jar on a shelf in the grocery store. And each time, I stop and gag (I can't gag and run past at the same time).