Well despite all my efforts, I got infected with Covid. I caught it from my daughter who brought it home from the summer camp she attends. She tested positive Friday morning and I immediately called the summer camp to let the know. I called one of my neighbors whose child attends the same camp to see if any notifications had gone out to parents to let them know. She hadn't received any calls. Later than night, she called my wife to ask what my daughter's symptoms were because her daughter had gone to Birmingham by here aunt and was feeling sick. Sure enough, she had it too.
That's two positive tests on consecutive days by kids who were in the same camp and the camp hasn't notified anyone. I suspect that the reason is strictly for money. This is a camp run by a church. There is no other legitimate reason to not notify parents other than avoiding a loss in tuition for the following week. This is how outbreaks continue. It's a damn shame. Luckily, we only had one day were it was really bad. I'm feeling a lot better now but bummed that I don't have the energy to get on the grill and my son is not yet ready to man the Oklahoma Joe.
If any of you read this post and have kids or know kids who attend the Kids on the Move Summer Camp in Laplace, please be warned that Covid is there and it's not being mitigated.