Deuce's Value

I think that Deuce will be worth every penny NEXT year even if he can only get 5-10 carries every game. As another poster mentioned we would only get a $1 mil. cap relief by cutting Deuce. That means you have to go out and sign a replacement who can do what Deuce can do production wise, leadership wise and PR wise for only $1 mil. - not easy with the new cap and everyone wanting more. On top of that we really needed Deuce in goal line situations this year.

Deuce may not come back as fast as before ( I would love for him to prove me wrong) but he can still contribute. There are situations where the ability to find the hole and read the game is more important than speed (e.g. goal line and 3 and 1 situations)

In 2009 he would probably have to restructure to stay if he wanted to keep playing but he has been quoted as willing to do so more than once.

I point to Alstott as an example of a RB (FB) who came back following serious injury, with less carries.

In his first year back after getting that serious neck injury he had way fewer carries for fewer yards but his TD production went up because Tampa primarily used him in goal line situations. But some of those TD were game winners so he was still a very important member of the team and definitely worth his pay (and he did restructure and eventually played for one year contracts)

Deuce said he'd be willing to take less money if they won a Super Bowl.