Texas, the new Florida

Just curious...what is it about the Dallas/Ft Worth, Houston areas that y'all don't like? Is it the people? Policies? Atmosphere? The only experience I really have is just driving thru. When I lived in San Diego years ago, I loved it. Then I moved away for a few years and when I came back it was a Sheethole. Is this what happened in Tx? or has it always been that way?
As for Houston, the weather just sucks arse ... unrelenting hot and humid for a good six months, then transition to winter is rather abrupt. Not that the winters are particularly harsh, but after living there a bit more than a year, I can't remember a single "nice day" as in mostly blue sky and nice temps in the 60s-70s. Maybe a few decent days in March and October .. even then you will still get the humidity.

Of course you could say the same for most of the Deep South, except parts of Florida ...