The Investment Thread

I don’t know a lot about photography. But when the company I work for needs an image to be in the header…they purchase it off of Shutterstock or a similar platform. Without knowing the details it seems that Shutterstock is making bank, while the photographer gets very little in comparison.

It seems on this marketplace (where fees are so little) that the actual photographer would get more value. The middleman (GameStop) would get 1% of the buy and 1% of the sale.
Ah, you see, this is where your line of thinking goes wrong. You should never underestimate a photographers willingness to cut their own throat and you should never underestimate a companies willingness to cheap out by purchasing royalty free content.

The way I see this going is photographers simply trying to undercut one another "to get their name out" and driving the prices down even farther while companies sacrifice quality or uniqueness in favor of cheapness.

So yeah, the NFT marketplace could very well be booming but it will be with $1 photos while the people that value their content skip the marketplace and just keep selling direct to the customers that value pictures and videos that aren't shared across the globe. Plus it is already becoming a crowded market and crypto offers way more upside in this scenario.