The Investment Thread

Hey, at least gas prices are trending in the right direction for you though… a little off-topic, but you have to have ur own car & setup to do the chasing right ? So do you just monitor the weather activity and then get in the car and haul arse to where the action is, even clear across the country ? Or do you hop a plane and then get a rental car ? Im sure youve addressed it before but i cant remember .
12 hours or less I almost always drive. More than 12 hours I almost always fly. Yes, I get to make all of my own decisions so it's up to me. It's actually in my best interest to have really high gas prices. The really cheap gas prices, easy money and covid related economics flooded the market with competition to the point nobody is really earning a decent living. I've put myself in much better position to weather a storm over the years than most (pun intended) due to contracts and efficiency. A period of inflation and tougher economics would actually be quite favorable for long term business. The people that have been successful doing this for a long time make the important decisions. Sometimes the important decision is choosing to stay home.

Looks like the downturn this afternoon was manipulated. Good thing it was identified as fake pretty quickly because if the masses bought into that number the markets would have been triggering emergency stops.