COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]

Amazing how this thread has morphed with the virus. It had pretty much fizzled out after the masking disappeared and regular activities resumed. Now it's mostly posts by the vigilant thread participants reporting their level of severity as we're now all getting this new variant. I'm still in the clear, but it seems to be simply a matter of time.

I've always been in the camp of the viral load and how it relates to the severity of the sickness. Not sure how much that relates anymore. If I wear my mask to Saints games, I'm not sure if or how much it will it help.
Maybe for some, but for this version I dunno. My wife and daughter were close to me when I was the most contagious and right up to testing positive. They were much more mild than I. Me (keep in mind I’m a germaphobe who doesn’t like people) was never near anyone coughing, had no close contact with anyone except my wife and daughter, both of which got it from me, and to this day I have no idea where I got it. So my initial load must’ve been somewhat light I assume, but it hit me worse than anything I’ve ever had for about 36 hours.