Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

for those who don't hold the elected and their appointees accountable, you deserve exactly the kind of "governance" you get

unfortunately, too often you drag others of us along for the bad ride

there's one reason the vid hasn't been shown outside, and it's not because of families

why exactly is it less heartbreaking for families involved to see the hindenburg go down in flames b4 the rest of us? what is the "courtesy"?
Exactly, they've been manipulated to be upset over the leak instead of being upset about the lack of heart, and piss poor incident response by those who're steering their anger towards the "leakers". I feel terrible for the mom who blasted the leak, I really do, but her anger is grossly misplaced.

We've been conditioned as of late to be angry at "leaks"...the leak isn't the problem here.