Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

IDK, because he's a cop he can't be a fan of a show which has enough popularity to garner merchandising revenue?

He was first 'judged' as terrible for checking his phone. Then we find out that he was removed from the scene and was likely glued to his phone for an absolutely 100% valid reason, and you still want to judge him for being a fan of a popular Marvel superhero?

You're going a long way to find a reason to be upset. Too far if you ask me.

I can't imagine what was going thru the man's head and now his heart being ruthlessly spun in the midst of that sheetshow. You want peace? Let this man have some because he deserves it right now.
You’re conflating two things
99.9999% sure that screen was on his phone before any of the school mayhem
It’s horrendous what happened to his wife
Cops shouldn’t have The Punisher on their phones (or tshirts or F150s)