Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

Seems an odd thing to be hung up on. It's a fictitious comic character.
You clearly know nothing about The Punisher or the guy who created him...

Police officers, other military, Fox News host Sean Hannity and some believers of the QAnon conspiracy theory also became fans, and some law enforcement officers were spotted wearing the logo at the recent protests sparked by George Floyd’s death—but Conway says their usage of the logo enrages and embarrasses him.

“The Punisher is representative of the failure of law and order to address the concerns of people who feel abandoned by the legal system,” Conway told Forbes, emphasizing he was speaking from his personal perspective, and adding, “It always struck me as stupid and ironic that members of the police are embracing what is fundamentally an outlaw symbol.”

In response, Conway launched a T-shirt design initiative (not affiliated with Marvel) called Skulls For Justice, which is crowdsourcing artwork from people of color that incorporates the skull with Black Lives Matter themes; the funds, he told Forbes, are going to the Los Angeles chapter of the group.