Texas, the new Florida

i couldn't live in nyc. aside from my frequent visits for work and forced visits to see my brother, i forking hate ny. easily the most overrated city in america. i'd take boston 99.9999999999999% for every reason over nyc. i have over a combined year worth of having been in that sheethole. fork. now i'm angrier.

all of that said, i absolutely loved greensboro. proctor and gamble has a plant out there i was doing a project with. absolutely loved the area. also did a lot of work in charlotte, loathed everything about it. greensboro s+++ tier, charlotte d---, not quite f, but forking close.
Hate to say that in my 10 or so years living in NYC, I didn’t remember many clamoring for zeetes to join us
If your sugar mama had a sister who didn’t mind the wife and kids, I’d move back yesterday

I was ok with gboro (liked it more than didn’t), but it’s proximity to both mountains and the Triangle was great
- agreed Charlotte blew