Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

While all of that is true, there are some (clearly not enough) who understand that The Punisher as a character and concept addresses the failures of law enforcement.

Maybe the guy was simply a fan and that's all it was. Idk. But considering everything else going on in that video, the wallpaper or screensaver on a cop's phone seems like a trivial thing to complain about. I didn't think twice about it when I first saw it. What bothers me a whole lot more is these idiot cops not doing anything while kids were getting murdered while they waited.
It definitely isn’t (close to) the most important thing to take away from this incident, but I don’t think it needs to go completely ignored either.

There is definitely something about a cop (and it isn’t just this guy, it is a growing trend among the police) having a phone screen, patch, squad car decal (etc.) of a character who is a murderous vigilante, who considers himself judge, jury, and executioner (because the police/legal system doesn’t work), that doesn’t sit right with me.

I realize this was his phone, not uniform or police car, but yes, I still think you shouldn’t have that screen while in uniform.

I admit that it being a phone screen in this case can be seen (and perhaps is) nitpicking, but as a teacher at a Catholic school, I guarantee you that I could get a lot of angry parent emails (and possibly in actual trouble) if had certain comic/tv/movie characters on my phone (while at work), or pictures on my desk.