Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

For one, outside of Sacramento, Ca it’s the most aesthetically unappealing place I’ve ever visited/lived
Zero charm (any place without a significant body of water or other geological feature is already starting with 2 strikes)
I moved there at the beginning of one of the hottest/driest years on record when there was also a swarm of locust - like a literal biblical plague- but peoples’ braggadocio about the place was in inverse proportion to how ick it was

But my resonant memory of the place (this is not even like a ‘worst’ memory, just emblematic) was my neighbor coming up to me with a tray of lemonade when I was working on the front garden/landscape- she gets to chatting and soon she gets to my house and the color I painted it (I referred to it as ‘Tuscan sunset’)
Eventually she said this was a free country but to remember that freedom of expression is what let the communists take over this country.
I thanked her for the lemonade and just marveled at how she could pull off a triple reverse irony with a layout while standing right in front of me

The area around Austin is nice. Hilly area.

Houston has some nice neighborhoods, with interesting architecture/landscaping. Rice campus is fairly nice. They've also had some of the best groceries I've been to. Weather is of course a disaster though most of the year. You can kinda sorta get used to it.

I've never been to West Texas past San Antonio. A coworker I was chatting one time lived there at one point though. She called it Hell Paso.

But Bakersfield, CA was uglier than any place I've seen in Texas. The central valley of CA (drive from I-5 from LA to SF) is is also surprisingly like the drive from Houston to Austin. The only difference is for large parts of of the trip is that you can see mountains off in the distance.