COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]

Monday my wife and I got our second boosters, but not sure it does any good at this point. I heard talk about the next wave of vaccines will be a combined new COVID + flu vaccine.

We are planning a trip for September to WA state's Olympic National Park and will be our first flight since COVID began. Definitely going to mask on the flight. We haven't had it yet, and not sure if it will benefit us to get it before or not. Reading the range of symptoms here from all you, I hope we can continue to dodge it. I've had bad cases of the flu and it amazes me what a bug in your system can do to completely wipe you out.
Wear the mask.

I talked to a coworker today who lives in Georgia. His wife, and then he, and his kid got Covid. They were all fine, but he got hit a lot harder than the rest. He didn't have the 2 day fever a lot of us had, he had it for a full week, and like 103-104, unless on tylenol, then it would drop to 102. He even said he talked to his Doctor after and they basically 'joked' that if not for the vaccine, he'd probably have been dead. He's a very slim, healthy guy in his 40's. Dunno why it hits some more than others.

Side note, he also said, he's like 2 degrees of separation from like 70 people who died, including a neighborhood kid. He knows it was super rare, but still, that close to home, made him nervous.